优质服务:优质的服务源于优秀的员工-- 拥有一支专业、高素质、高效率的团队。管理层人员来自于国际速递巨头、具数年行业运营经验的精英,外务操作、内勤客服、文件制作、口岸操作等基层人员统一按高标准高要求培训合格后方可上岗;同时公司通过采取持续性的、针对性的培训机制使我们的服务水平更趋标准化、统一化、完美化。专人追踪,专人返回信息,安全、准时、快捷。提供上门取货、送货上门。整合快递资源,设计 优惠线路,为客户省心、省力、省钱。
We are the Swift Group, a family of world-class logistics service providers for global commerce. We seek to provide cost-effective and innovative solutions for time, space and distance. Our goal is to generate growth and profitability by means of value, quality and perseverance. We commit ourselves to excellence for our customers and stakeholders through continuous improvement of our services and technology.
As a people powered organization, we recognise the families supporting the employees and endeavour to provide all employees with motivation, fair compensation and a work environment that encourages openness, creativity, and personal and professional development.
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