« Africa并装货运代理Havana(La Habana), Cuba »

Balboa, Panama国际空运

分类: 货运公司 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2013年1月24日

Guangdong. Our Shenzhen office is composed of LCL Department, FCL Department, Air Department, Oversea Service Department and Sales Department. We have customs supervision warehouse and warehouse in Shenzhen and our inland trucking team can offer the close door deliver service to you. We are a reputation forwarder company in Shenzhen; especially our LCL business is on the top rank in local market. Our direct consol services extend to Europe, South-East Asia, and North America. Our offices in the Pearl Delta Area can offer the “one station” service such as picking up and customs clearance. They can satisfy your request completely.

We have excellent software as well as hardware. Our staffs have been in the international transportation field for many years. We are familiar with the process of international transportation, international trade, international practices, operation regulation of the dock, customs, customs inspection, warehousing and the Free Trade Zone. As a strong teamwork we own the most flexible ability and responsibility of career to solve any emergence case and try our best to provide the night service to the clients.

Our overseas agents network spreading over the world make us handle your shipment in Shenzhen with our international agents and offices easily. We can control the situation of your shipment on time and follow up your freight effectively to make our transportation service perfect. WEI would like to strive for the flourishing future with your esteemed company. Please feel free to contact us if you have any enquiry and welcome to use our service.

公司注重发展海外代理业务,现已在全球设有较为完善的货运服务网络,遍布欧洲、美洲、大洋洲、非洲、中东、东南亚等各大城市,为客户提供门到门(DOOR TO DOOR)服务。



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