« Bergen船公司化工产品海运代理.到Freetown海运.英国海运 »


分类: 空运货运 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2013年6月4日

Shanghai. As a third-party logistics service provider integrating trunk transport, warehouse management, urban delivery, distribution processing, information processing, logistics finance and other value-added services, Uton is committed to establishing service standards for third-party logistics in China, becoming a leading provider of FMCG logistics total solutions, and advocating a pioneering business logistics service mode. The Company is a national AAAAA-level logistics enterprise with a sound internal management system, standardized management practices, trustworthiness and reliability; having passed the ISO9001: 2000 quality management system certification and won many renowned awards, like the National Top Ten Logistics Innovation Award and Top 100 Logistics Enterprises of Brand Value, the Company ranks first among all private third-party logistics enterprises in East China. 业经营货运代理相关业务以及专业物流项目策划的公司。货运代理业务主要从事海上,陆路,航空国际货运代理业务,道路货运代理,道路搬运装卸,仓储运输,国内配送,代理出入境检验检疫,国际快递等业务。 秉承“高览博见”的战略理念投入市场,通过各个环节的有效整合,合理安排,达成对客户的承诺。



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