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FOB booking pioneered

分类: 其它服务 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2013年6月24日

综合整理市场运价,协调个船公司舱位,快速 准确地回复客户及销售询价。充分发挥我司作为多家班轮船公司订舱代理优势,为客户制定最合理的运输方案,提供最具优势的运价,选择最具优势的船公司,为永瀚公司客户及销售团队搭建一个反应迅速,信息准确的运价平台,提供强有力的运价和舱位支持。

协调客户与各供应链关系,负责货物装箱,报关 集港等所有相关工作,确保货物安全,顺利出运。为公司客户及销售提供完善的服务和有力的后台支持。操作部是公司的服务质量,责任心,工作热情的直接体现,能长久地提供优质服务,并获得客户充分认可和长期信赖。network of foreign agents, wide coverage, FOB booking pioneered in Newport. Regardless of the general trade, personal items or goods returned, customers can booking in Newport, and enjoy high-quality service and freight. Just a paper commissioned, we will arrange for the goods to successfully transported to Newport, feedback information at any time. At the same time, our company can also provide comprehensive services to the FCA, EXW terms of cargo at the loading port.
2. Efficient port clearance operations. Xingang Customs, commodity inspection, pier has a good relationship of cooperation. Gone through taxation of goods (single trial, out of the tax, pay taxes, nuclear tax inspection, release) within 3 working days. Exempt goods (single trial, inspection, release) gone through in a day.




定舱热线手机和微信:13711127975 QQ:1250528657 外贸找中海运来.好运来