« 空运公司要多少钱地中海海运货代 »

international air transport 从广州起步

分类: 货运物流 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2015年10月28日

货代签发提单,即分提单或其他类似收据交给每票货的发货人;货代目的港的代理,凭初始的提单交给收货人。拼箱的收、发货人不直接与承运人联系,对承运人来说,货代是发货人,而货代在目的港的代理是收货人。因此,承运人给货代签发的是全程提单或货运单。如果发货人或收货人有特殊要求的话,货代也可以在出运地和目的地从事提货和交付的服务,提供门到门的服务。 The company make full use of the advantages of Shanghai Pudong International Airport and Shanghai Hongqiao Airport, providing customers with choice of diverse, flexible operation of the air transport services; as boat logisticshas rich human resources, grasp the airfreight industry cutting-edge information, equipped with advanced groundair operation, assisted fast professional air cargo customs clearance, cargo service advantage provides the east area of china. At present in the Shanghai Pudong International Airport and Shanghai Hongqiao Airport has has established a team with many years of cargo import and export experience, dozens of employees of the international air cargo agent level team. Company in order to improve the air quality of service, truly pretransportcustomers at ease, transit customers feel at ease, at the port of destination, customers comfortable, independent of other departments of the company set up more subdivision of duties of customer service department,established a rapid response system to deal with the problem quickly, do the problem settled the same day, in order to reduce the loss of customers to the maximum extent! And for the customer provides efficiency for win-win cooperation!




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