« Regierungsbezirk Stuttgart优质的专线快递服务 »


分类: 货运公司 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2016年6月1日

As a specialist freight agent, I Division has its own unique logistics concept, sufficient to provide timely, accurate, valuable services using the electronic commerce system modernization, to meet customer demand, the company operating the belief under the guidance of our staff, to maintain a high level of attention to the customers and market.
In the customer and peer industry support, our company continued to expand its business field, accumulating rich business experience and knowledge, continue to provide high quality service to the customer, so that companies in the logistics industry established a good reputation and image, and laid a solid foundation for the development of logistics in the future.
At the same time, sincerely welcome all circles at home and abroad to negotiate business with us! 我公司拥有大连、天津、青岛、连云港、宁波等港口开往世界各港口的海运整箱订舱、配载、报关、仓储、提运、保险等业务。合作的船公司有:东南亚海运、万海、中远、外运、马士基、太平、赫伯罗特、长荣、北欧亚、ZIMOOCL、CMA、MSC等船公司。优势航线集中在:中南美,加勒比海,中东,欧洲,地中海、西非、东非、澳洲等。



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